What is the billing cycle? When is my bill due?
Answer: The billing cycle is bi-monthly (once every 2 months) as follows:
- Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-June, Jul-Aug, Sep-Oct, Nov-Dec.
- Bills are mailed on the first business day of the month, following month two of the billing cycle (Mar 1, May 1, July 1, Sep 1, Nov 1, Jan 1).
- Payment is due within 30 days after billing and must be received in the office before close of business on the late date shown on the bill. A postmark date will not be considered proof of payment.
- A late fee is assessed after the last day of the month following the billing cycle. (For example, the Nov 1 bill should be paid within 30 days—a late fee will be assessed if the bill has not been paid by Nov 30).
- You need to pay your bill as soon as possible as lock offs will begin after 45 days following the billing date. (To continue the example above, lock offs would begin December 15th.)
My bill provides Cubic Feet of usage. How do I convert this to Gallons?
- Answer: 1 Cubic foot = 7.48 Gallons
When will I start seeing the new Sweetwater Plant Replacement Project surcharge in my bill?
Answer: The surcharge took effect on the Jan/Feb 2017 billing cycle and will continue until the loan is repaid.
What is the Zone charge and when is it invoiced?
Answer: GDPUD customers who live in Auburn Lake Trails (ALT) will see a Zone charge on their bill. The Zone charge was established to fund State Required Inspections and Monitoring, which are in place to avoid the construction of an area—wide sewage collection treatment & disposal system.
When the ALT subdivision was created, the state required there be a public entity to oversee the onsite septic systems because the lots were created in a denser area than regular zoning laws cover. ALT, the county, and the state asked GDPUD to do this monitoring. In 2002, the State Water Quality Control Board made more restrictions and required more monitoring. Zone Charges went up to cover this extra $40,000 –$50,000 worth of monitoring, the required annual inspections, and all the additional required reporting.
The Zone charge is a bi-monthly charge. It is a set rate and is billed in advance. The Water Use charge on the bill is billed the same as all other GDPUD customers.
What are the options for paying my bill?
Answer: GDPUD provides a return envelope with each bill. Customers have a choice of paying their bill:
- via USPS;
- bring it to the office—6425 Main Street, Georgetown, CA 95634;
- register online and pay with a credit or debit card on the GDPUD’s website by clicking on the ‘Online bill pay’ icon.
- You can also call the office during normal business hours to make a payment over the phone using a debit or credit card.
What happens with my bill if I have a leak?
Answer: Your bill will reflect the extra water usage caused by any leak that occurs on your side of the water meter. However, once the leak is found and repaired a customer can ask to have the district calculate a leakage consideration to help lower the cost of your bill. A customer is allowed one consideration for every 10-year period and will not be granted for more than one billing cycle.
WaterSmart can help with leak detection. Register for this FREE on-line service. For more information click Here.
I have a different question about my bill, what should I do?
Answer: Call the District office at 530-333-4356 ext 107 during regular business hours Monday - Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm (closed for lunch 12:30-1:00 pm), or go to the 'Contact Us' page on this website, fill out the form and press the "Submit" button.
How do I locate my water meter?

Your water meter is inside a rectangular concrete box, flush with the ground, and is usually located near the roadway or sidewalk. Watch for spiders, snakes, and bugs when opening the box. It’s good to have a screwdriver handy if you need help getting the cement cover off and clearing debris from around your meter.
How do I read my water meter?
Reading Your Water Meter

- 1 cubic foot = 7.48 gallons
Each full rotation of the sweep hand indicates one cubic foot or 7.48 gallons of water. The markings around the outside of the dial indicate tenths and hundredths of one cubic foot.
Read your meter as you would a car odometer. Your meter measures cubic feet and each cubic foot equals 7.48 gallons. There is also a needle indicator that measures partial cubic feet. This could be a red or black sweep hand similar to the hands on a clock. (See image.) Record all gauge values including the fractional value indicated by the sweep hand. Carefully and securely replace the concrete cover.
If you need help locating your water meter, contact the GDPUD office at 530-333-4256 ext 107 M-F between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm.
How do I test for a leak?
- Record all gauge values including the fractional value indicated by the sweep hand. Carefully and securely replace the concrete cover.
- Wait a minimum of 1 hour, making sure all water faucets are turned off, then take another meter reading. (Be sure all devices that could automatically draw water are also stopped temporarily.)
- If the water meter dial has moved, then you have a leak
Remember, small movements matter!
- A leak of 1/10 of a cubic foot over the course of an hour equates to more than 900 gallons lost during each billing cycle.
Many meters have a small triangular leak detector dial that spins when water is flowing. (This can be seen in black in the picture above.) Finally, some leaks are too slow to move the dial. To check for slow leaks, turn off the water at the meter and wait a few hours. When you slowly turn the water back on, if water rushes to fill the pipes, you may have a leak.
How do I identify the source of a leak?
The following steps will help you identify the source of the water leak.
- Interior Leaks: Turn off the water valve at your house entrance to determine if the leak is inside the house. This is usually located at a hose bib on an outside wall in a direct line from the water meter. If the meter dial still moves, you should investigate it as an exterior leak.
Contact GDPUD immediately, regardless of day or time, at 1-530-333-4356 ext 107 if you suspect a leak on the street side of your water meter.
- Identifying Exterior Water Leaks
GDPUD staff have equipment that can help identify an exterior leak. If you need assistance, contact the GDPUD office at 530-333-4256 M- F between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm (closed for lunch from 12:30-1:00 pm) to schedule a visit. This a free service available to all GDPUD customers.
- Water Lines
Walk your water line, including exterior irrigation lines. Check for unusual wet spots, and leaky or broken sprinkler heads. Locate all hose bibs and check for leaks or drips. Replace the washers if there are any leaks. Be aware that leaks in your irrigation system may not always show on your meter due to system shutoff valves.
- Pools and Spas
Check the operation of swimming pool filtering equipment. Contact your pool dealer if you have any concerns. Here are some things to consider:
- How often is the pool back–flushed?
- Are the fill valve and automatic float operating properly?
- Do you cover your pool or spa? A covered pool minimizes evaporation.
- Operation of spa filtering equipment.
- Identifying Water Leaks inside your home
Most interior leaks will become visible if not discovered quickly. Toilet leaks are an exception. To test for a toilet leak add 3 - 4 drops of food coloring into your toilet tank. Wait 15 minutes and check your toilet bowl. Any color appearing in the bowl without flushing is an indication of a leak.
Visit the h2ouse site for more leak detection tips.
What else can I use the Online Billing portal for besides paying my bill?
Answer: The online billing portal also provides water usage history details and a paperless billing option. These capabilities are available to all GDPUD customers regardless of whether you pay your bill through the online portal.
How do I determine my Customer ID for use with the Online Billing Portal?
Answer: Your customer number from your water bill should be used as your Customer ID on the PUWC web site login page.
How do I view my historical water usage online?
Answer: From the Usage menu, select Water.
What are water conservation best practices?
Below are steps we all can take to conserve our freshwater resource:
- Outdoors
- Limit outdoor watering to two days per week or less. To minimize evaporation, water after sunset and before sunrise.
- Adjust sprinklers to reduce overspray and runoff.
- Add 2 - 3 inches of organic mulch around trees and plants
- Consider replacing old sprinkler heads with water-efficient models.
Executive order B-37-16, effective May 9, 2016, declares the following practices waste potable water and are now permanently prohibited within California:
- Hosing off sidewalks, driveways, and other landscapes;
- Washing automobiles with hoses not equipped with a shut-off nozzle;
- Using non-recirculated water in a fountain or other decorative water feature;
- Watering Lawns in a manner that causes runoff, or within 48 hours after measurable precipitation; and
- Irrigating ornamental turf on public street meridians.
- Indoors
- Replace old toilets and take advantage of a $100 consumer rebate. Visit saveourwaterrebates.com to apply
- Fix leaky toilets, shower heads, and faucets., add 3 - 4 drops of food coloring into your toilet tank. Wait 15 minutes and check your toilet bowl. Any color appearing in the bowl without flushing is an indication of a leak. Visit the h2ouse site for more leak detection tips.
- Use the washing machine for full loads only and install an energy-efficient washing machine (look for the Energy Star rating). Additional information can be found in this Consumer Reports article
- Reduce! Take 5-minute showers instead of 10-minute showers. Turn water off while applying soap (and brushing your teeth). Capture water in a bucket while waiting for hot water to reach the shower head; use it to water plants.
- Want to learn more ways to conserve wisely?
- Many of the above tips are made available from the be water smart website.
- Explore more great tips at the saveourwater and h2ouse websites.
How do I request new treated water service on a property without an existing water meter?
Answer: Fill out an information request form. Go to the Development & Construction Forms page to download an information request form and submit it to the District office. Please contact the District office at (530) 333-4356 ext 106 for more details.
How do I request a new seasonal Irrigation water service?
Answer: Applications will be accepted between January 1st and March 1st for the impending irrigation season. The application for service shall state that the customer agrees to abide by the terms and conditions for service as established in the Irrigation Ordinance.
Contact the District office at (530) 333-4356 ext 107 for more details.
What is Water Pollution?
Answer: The link provided below offers a detailed description and potential types of water pollution.
When are the regular Board of Director meetings?
Answer: The Georgetown Divide Public Utility District Board of Directors meets on the first Thursday of each month. Unless otherwise noticed, meetings are held at the District office located at 6425 Main St, Georgetown, and start at 2:00 P.M.
How can I get more involved with the District?
Answer: We welcome and encourage participation from the community. Contact the President of the Board of Directors or the GDPUD General Manager if you are interested in serving on a committee or volunteering in some other way. Contact information is located under the 'About the District' menu on the 'Governance' page.