GDPUD Board Gets Directors in Order
Georgetown Gazette January, 23, 2025
The Georgetown Divide Public Utility District would like to announce the reappointment of Director Mitch MacDonald and Director Mike Thornbrough. The two directors were sworn in for a four-year term on Dec. 12, 2024. The oath of office was administered by El Dorado County Supervisor George Turnboo. Both directors were first elected to the board in 2020.
MacDonald served as president of the Board for both 2023 and 2024, he also served as the ACWA/JPIA representative for the district.
"I’m proud of the significant strides we’ve made in financial oversight during my tenure; we took investment returns of $35,000 annually and have grown them to over 10 times that amount,” MacDonald said.
MacDonald was instrumental in establishing a new investment policy to help ease the financial burden on the ratepayers. “My goal for the upcoming term is to ensure the district remains fiscally conservative and continues to provide clean, safe and affordable water to the Divide,” he shared.
Thornbrough served as board treasurer for both 2023 and 2024 and also served on the El Dorado County Water Agency Board, 2021-23.
"It is my honor to serve the Divide communities, and I will continue to work for the ratepayers and ensure we as a district are working to provide a great service at the lowest possible costs.” Thornbrough said. He was instrumental in 2024 as the treasurer in helping to develop and shape the rate analysis; in this process he was very vocal to ensure the district rates will be utilized efficiently.
At the meeting, the district also reorganized the officers for the upcoming calendar year. The changes include Director Donna Seaman being appointed president. “I look forward to working with the board and staff over the next year to continue the mission of the District and help our customers,” Seaman said.
Additionally, during the reorganization Director Michael Saunders was appointed to the vice president position and Director Robert Stovall was appointed to the treasurer position.
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